Find out exactly how much it costs to bake, decorate & package your cake slices

Unlock the secret to pricing your wedding cake tastings for your clients!

Offer Cake Tastings without making a loss in your baking business

Amari Costing & Pricing Wedding cake tasting template

Our template guides you through building a simple costing and pricing structure for your wedding cake slices, capturing majority of your expenses in your baking business and factoring a profit margin. Close more wedding cake orders by offering Cake tasting packages that guarantee a profit for you as a baker doing business

Maureen Bilha Kamari offering wedding cake tasting template

Baking with Amari

Hi my name is Maureen Bilha Kamari and I am a Professional Baker; founder of Baking with Amari (formerly - Amari Baking Center). I have been baking professionally for over 10 years and I am a baking instructor and trainer. I am passionate about teaching all things baking and cake decoration. I believe bakers who are doing business should ensure they are making a profit in their business; costing & pricing accurately is one of the ways to ensure this happens for your Home baking business or small Bakery shop. 

Download the Wedding Cake Tasting Slice sample Costing and pricing template below.

Get this template and learn how to find out the cost of making your Wedding cake tasting sample slices and packages

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